Concentrate on fun, enjoyment, laughs!It's also important to attend kids' games, whenever possible. It's important to
set a good example--even if you don't always agree with the coach, referee or umpire.As
Mak says, "Good sports parents realize this sport is a tool to teach your child
about life."As a rookie soccer coach 20 years ago, Mak struggled to find a balance
in how she gave feedback to her team. You almost killed my kid.' If I
saw a kid fouling another player, I would yell, 'Ref, watch what's going on!' "When
Mak's son, Justin, was about 12, he told her that she embarrassed him when she
challenged referees' calls. They evaluate their child's success or failure based on his or her
performance--not his or her happiness. I tried to back off," she says. Her job, she
decided, was to be a master cheerleader.If you, too, learn how to be a master
cheerleader, your children will experience many benefits. After experimenting with a number of nike shox nz styles, she
discovered that children benefit most if they receive mainly positive feedback. That's because they're no
longer having fun!Lisa Cohn and Dr. Try to understand why your child takes part in
sports. They'll beg you to bat balls in your front yard with them, to rebound
while they shoot baskets and to kick a ball in the neighborhood park. "I tried
to find a way to still be involved in the game, but to be a
real positive part of the excitement," Mak says.Parents, like Mak, must learn to strike a
delicate balance between being overly involved in their kids' sports activities and not showing enough
interest in their athletics.Too often, well-meaning parents live through their children and expect their kids
to take on their own dreams and goals. Remember, 75 percent of kids drop out
of sports by the time they are 13. She often yelled if her son was
in danger or if referees failed to watch for fouls, she chaussures puma says."If someone would jump
on my son, I would say, 'Open your eyes. Cheer them on without pressuring them.
Just before I shoot in soccer, he yells, 'Pull the trigger!' It's so awful."Rather than
expressing enthusiasm by coaching from the sidelines and criticizing, parents need to take a step
back. "I realized I was overzealous, so I tried to tone it down. Does he
or she play to be with friends? Does your child play because she loves to
be part of a team? Or does she enjoy competition?Once you understand your child's motivations,
try to support his or her interests. Kids who excel in sports are those
who are passionate about it. Patrick Cohn are co-founders of The Ultimate Sports Parent and
Ultimate Sports Parent Radio. Sue Mak, a youth soccer coach in Portland, Ore., confesses that
she found herself too emotionally involved at times in her son's athletic experience. Ensure he
or she has the opportunity to spend time with team mates, to feel like part
of a team, and to have fun.Being supportive also means letting children lead. And these
kids' drive comes from within--not from their parents. They'll have more fun, learn important life
lessons, and likely stay involved in sports for a long time. Dad's cheering embarrasses me.
You don't ever have to nudge these kids into practicing.You'll also help your children enjoy
sports by telling them they're doing a great job--whether they win or lose. They're overly
critical and, like Mak, coach too much from the sidelines.This behavior can undermine a child's
confidence, and ultimately, his or her performance and love of sports.Says Lauren, a 12-year-old who
plays soccer, LaCrosse, basketball and tennis in Portland, "The major problem affecting my confidence is
my parents. Keep the focus off performance. Try to be supportive of coaches, referees and
umpires. Download their free ebook, "Ten Tips to Improve Confidence and Success in Youth Athletes,"
or listen to their radio show by visiting
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