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Primary data is data you collect directly. The sport industry has always been a difficult field
to break in to; however, the some teams in the National Football League are looking
for experienced and non-experienced employees. Positions in particular that require you to use these programs
are Atlanta Falcons Desktop Technician, San Francisco 49ers Director of Public Relations, and any other
computer related positions.Problem solving skills is an important skill because problems can arise in any
workforce. For every position there are different yet important skills that the employee must have.
Publisher can help create flyers, contact sheets, cards, or any promotion material that you need
to promote your event. You can get direct feedback from customers and learn more than
secondary data which you can use to back up your point and research.These are all
skills needed to be able to work in the National Football League. The person hired
will need to write up reviews, financial analysis reports, tn requin publications, and press releases.Presentation skills are
required in every sport industry job whether it be reporting finances, new ideas, ticket production
sales, and marketing schedules. These skills include database management, marketing, knowledge of Microsoft Office, problem
solving skills, professional writing, presentation skills, and data collecting skills.Database management is a skill needed
in the Philadelphia Eagles Sales Call, Buffalo Bills Marketing Manager, San Francisco 49ers Financial Director,
and Miami Dolphins Ticket Sales positions. There are different positions available. Marketing is one of
the most important skills in the sport industry because if you do not know how
to educate the public about an event or product you will not be successful.Knowing the
programs in Microsoft Office is very important. PowerPoint can help you create slideshows to aid
in a presentation you might have to do. Outlook can help you contact employees and
customers in a fast and easy way. In Excel you can create spreadsheets to help
create budgets and Tn Requin contact sheets. I am a contributor to the SportsJobBlog.com [http://www.sportsjobblog.com]. All this
information is organized and easy to find in the form (graphs, charts, lists) employees want.
With this information can help a company collect demographic information which will help find the
target market.Marketing skills are needed in any sales or marketing position such as the Buffalo
Bills Marketing Management, San Francisco 49ers Financial Director, and Philadelphia Eagles Sales Call. The Desktop
Technician for the Atlanta Falcons needs to solve problems on the computer; Ticket Sales for
the Miami Dolphins and the Guest Services Manager for the Seattle Seahawks run into problems
with customers that need to be solved in a manor that won't cost you the
customer.Professional writing is a skill used in any journalism position and the Financial Director and
Director of Public Relations for the San Francisco 49ers. You can find out why customers
attended an event, how they became involved, what attracted them, and where they live.
This article originated at www.sportsjobblog.com [http://www.sportsjobblog.com].I am a sport management major at Nichols College. Even
in this down economy by having the right skills for the job you want, you
can get the job you want. Database management is important because you can easily track
tickets sales, customer's basic information and buying habits, and employment information. By brushing up on
these skills and by getting experience you could have an up on other people going
out for the same job. In Word you can write up your reports and press
releases. Presentations are made all the time. The purpose of them is to show your
ideas in a professional manor to customers or bosses.Data collecting skills are needed in any
marketing position. In today's economy it can be very difficult for anyone to find a
job, especially in the ever changing world of sports. A website designed by Sport Management
students to help others find work in sports..
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